Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services – Istanbul, Türkiye
Coordinator: Istanbul Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services is a local body of Ministry of Family and Social Services which is responsible for establishing and executing policies for women, children, elders, disabled and families. We perform, implement and execute social services for disadvantaged groups who are in need of and/or seek for protection, care, examination, education, guidance, rehabilitation mentioned above.It renders social services to these groups through 5122 personels and 249 instutions; Social Service Centers, Orphanages, Child Homes, Child Support Centres, Preventing and Monitoring Domestic Violence Center, Women Guesthouses, Disabled Care- Rehabilitation and Family Consultancy Centers, Elder Care and Rehabilitation Centers/ Resthomes, Youth Center for Unaccompanied Children (children refugees).Non-formal trainings are provided by professional staff to adults who benefit from our services in our establishments. Family education, fight against addiction (substance, technology, etc.), prevention of early marriages, pre-marital education, family education for individuals benefiting from probation, financial literacy are some of these trainings.
Motivation to participating on the project: Our children are our most valuable assets for a healthy society and a happy future. For their healthy development, children need a warm family environment that will protect, love and support them and meet their social and financial needs. Contact person: Emine Üzüm TAN,,

Istanbul BILGI University – Istanbul, Türkiye
Istanbul Bilgi University was founded in 1996 and has three campuses in Istanbul. It has more than 20.000 students in 150 programs. Istanbul Bilgi University has one of the most competitive Psychology Bachelors’ and Clinical Psychology Master’s Programs in Türkiye.
Yudum Söylemez and Elif Göçek are the faculty and Selin Kitiş and Sezin Benli are the graduates of the Clinical Program. For many years, they have been working on creating and applying training programs to improve parenting skills and family functioning in families under difficult circumstances such as biological family reunifications after institutional care, immigration, economic strains, and fostering.
They participate in the FosterCare Project to be able to apply their knowledge and expertise to create content for a training program for professionals working with foster families.
Contacts :
Yudum Söylemez, PhD, LMFT
Elif Göçek, PhD

Governorship of Istanbul – Istanbul, Türkiye
The Governorship of Istanbul is in charge of regulating and supervising general administration in İstanbul. Governorship of Istanbul implements instructions and orders from ministries ensuring promulgation of government decisions and implementation of laws and regulations. GOI is the highest administrative authority in the city and serves in various fields with about 2050 civil servants.
National and international projects are carried out by the European Union and Foreign Relations Office on behalf of the Istanbul Governorship. Priority is given to supporting disadvantageous groups such as people with disabilities, immigrants, NEETs and unemployed adults within the projects. In this context, GOI has cooperations with several public institutions, universities, training centers, vocational education centres, and NGOs for youth and adults. GOI provides training on topics needed through its Continuing Education Center.

Istanbul Foster Family Association – Istanbul, Türkiye
Istanbul Foster Family Association aims to popularize “Family Based Care Models”, based on the child’s right to grow up within the family. The association was founded on December 13, 2012 by foster families and volunteers. It produces projects to explain foster care to a wider audience, increase the number of qualified foster families, provide support to existing foster families and strengthen the foster family model in Türkiye. The organisation carries out studies to increase the access of foster families and children to psychosocial support services and establishes expert networks. With its work, the association also aims to function as a social support mechanism that will support existing foster families in the difficulties they may experience at every stage.
We joined the project because: We see the FOSTERCARE Project as an important opportunity to announce the needs of foster families in their areas of development. We believe that we will create a qualified information pool for foster families and the professionals working with them. We are also excited to gain an intercultural perspective on Foster Care systems together with our partners.
Contact person: Görkem Demirdöğer

Solidaridad Sin Fronteras – Madrid, Spain
Solidaridad Sin Fronteras (SSF) is an NGO based in Spain and Bolivia devoted to the promotion of the social and labour inclusion and wellbeing of people facing situations of vulnerability. To do so, we carry out a wide range of activities from project management to direct intervention with our target groups: job counseling, legal advice, mentoring, upsklling and reskilling based training, awareness raising campaigns and advocacy. We are continuously enriching our global network, always eager to learn and share.
2) Why has your organisation joined the project?
The FOSTERCARE project aligns with SSF’s mission of supporting people in need of protection and care. It provides the opportunity to apply and share knowledge in skill development. Additionally, SSF, by carrying out a variety of activities and services, can contribute a holistic and multifaceted perspective to this project.
Contact person: Guadalupe Murillo (

CENTAR NAPRETKA – Osijek, Croatia
The association for the promotion of basic living standards and rights “Center of progress” was founded with the aim of meeting the needs for the realization of social and economic rights, as well as the preservation of the quality of life and the promotion, improvement, and development of democratic political culture, protection of human rights, health protection, international development cooperation, upbringing and education, social activities and the economy through different target groups. Its founding and supporting members are project managers and people from different backgrounds actively involved in civil society, whose experience can contribute to any future undertakings of the organization. The supporting members have gained valuable experience and education in other projects and want to contribute to the further growth of the organization. The members of the association are long-term volunteers in various associations. This association visited the homeless on its initiative and conducted research on socially vulnerable people.
Why did we join the project? As part of this project, ‘Center of Progress’ will fulfill its full potential through collaboration with other project partners, thereby achieving the designated purpose – to assist those for whom the Constitution, international treaties, as well as legal and sub-legal regulations, provide and guarantee special protection of rights and interests as a substitute for the lack of parental care. The association is participating in this project because the project’s goals align with the predefined objectives of our organization, and we strive for the comprehensive protection of socially vulnerable individuals, especially children, towards whom we all have a duty and obligation to provide protection of their rights and interests, and to act in the best interest of the child.
Contact email: CENTAR NAPRETKA <>

Drosostalida Social Enterprise – Athens, Greece
This social enterprise is a powerhouse of inclusivity, offering training, support, counseling, and research activities for diverse groups, with a special focus on youth, adults, and vulnerable communities. Their mission is to empower individuals, enhancing their skills and competences, thereby smoothing their path to societal integration or re-integration into the workforce.
Why has Drosostalida joined the FOSTERCARE project?
Our goals are to empower, enhance skills and support people who wish to become foster parents by the provision of well-needed information. Our longstanding commitment is the successful and practical training design to both educating the target groups and evolving with them. The FOSTERCARE project aligns perfectly with our organisation goals, promising new, innovative approaches to engage with foster parents, institutions and respective organisations.
Drosostalida is based in Athens, Greece designing and developing training programmes and educational resources in new technologies, social entrepreneurship, digital literacy, soft skills, digital mindfulness, circular economy, tourism and many other fields. Visit our project website for more information.
Contact person: Sofia Tsiortou (